
Even though this paper is written primarily for local television stations, the competitive strategy and marketing principles can be applied to other media, especially radio, cable, and magazines.



The continuing fragmentation of the television advertising economy, coupled with dramatic changes in the overall structure of the television business environment and the convergence of technology have caused local TV stations to place greater emphasis than ever before on marketing strategy.  These changes have included: (a) Increased competition from cable, (b) increase in the number of networks, (c) increased grazing or zapping using remote controls, (d) increased sophistication of the viewing audience, (e) consolidation of station groups, (f)higher costs of syndicated programming, (g) changes in network compensation arrangements, (h) the increased availability of barter syndication programming, (i) new digital and compression technology, (j) the threat of personal video recorders (TiVo, i.e.), and (k) increased time spent on the Internet.

                Another trend in television mirrors a trend in other industries—product parity.  As weak competitors drop by the wayside, two or three gigantic companies dominate an industry.  In their efforts to please consumers and push quality production, these dominating companies' products become more and more alike—they reach product parity.  In television and radio, dominant networks and stations are becoming less dominant as tough competitors chase them.  In the new era of product parity, marketing is king.  Marketing is what differentiates products.

                 In the past, television stations have too often depended on their facilities, networks, ingrained viewing habits, or star personalities for their success and not on strategic planning or creating a strong competitive position through marketing.  In the future television stations must develop strategic marketing plans that put them either alone in serving a profitable market niche (usually a narrow demographic segment) or be number one or number two with demographically targeted programming.  Just as businesses in other industries have discovered, television stations that are number three or below in their core target audience will probably fail to be profitable.

                Furthermore, the television broadcasting business, a business that distributes its product--programming--by means of an outmoded, buggy-whip technology, is clearly on the decline slope of the S curve that charts the life cycle of every business (start-up, growth, maturity, and decline).  In every business that reaches maturity and begins to decline, the overall strategic emphasis must focus on marketing more than at any other stage of the cycle--finding new markets, focusing the efforts of all of a business's resources on serving the customer better than competitors do, and finding new revenue streams. 

                Television stations, if they are to thrive, must redirect their focus from being in "broadcasting" to being producers of local news, information, and community service programming.  This new definition will give them the opportunity to develop new sources of non-cost-per-point oriented revenue.


What Is Strategy?

Strategy, as defined by Davis & Smith (1984) is "How do I get more than my fair share?"  Any company can get its fair share, but it takes a sustainable differential advantage to gain the upper hand.

                Strategic planning, or planning how to get more than your fair share, is not an arcane science, it is simply the coordination of the activities and policies of all of the departments in a station so that they are directed toward achieving a station's stated goals (long term) and objectives (short term).  Strategic planning requires the following process, as suggested by Day (1990):


1.   Scanning the overall environment

2.   Scanning and researching the industry/market environment

3.   Researching direct competitors

4.   Researching a station's skills and resources

5.   Analyzing current strategy


                Peter Drucker (1954) defined the purpose of a business with the brilliantly simple statement "to create a customer."  Thirty years later the renowned Harvard Business School marketing professor Theodore Levitt (1983) expanded slightly on Drucker's concept with the equally simple definition: "to get customers and keep them."  In television station terms, this purpose translates into two sets of objectives depending on the definition of a customer. 

                In the dual-product business of television, there are two customers: consumers who use the product (viewers) and customers who buy the product (advertisers).  The primary objectives for the team who markets to the audience is to attract viewers (get ratings), to keep them (getting them to watch longer and more often), to enhance the station's (brand) image, and to achieve the lowest PDCPM (programming demographic cost-per-thousand).  Attracting and holding viewers forces stations to face the necessity of figuring out what viewers really want and then catering to those wants in a way that is in keeping with and augments a station's image.  It requires marketing and strategic planning.  The primary objectives of the sales team who markets to advertisers are: to get results for advertisers, to develop new business, to retain and get increases from current advertisers, and to increase customer loyalty.

                The two different marketing focuses of these teams (viewer oriented and advertiser oriented) within a station must be integrated into an overall, coordinated marketing strategy for a station.  In the modern, budget crunching, and rapidly changing television business environment, the two focuses must be totally integrated.  The old days of news-versus-sales are over, as the two departments must now work together to uncover new revenue-and audience-generating ideas based on what customers and consumers

want.  As McKenna (1991) writes:


Marketing is not a function; it is a way of doing business.  Marketing is not a new ad campaign or this month's promotion.  Marketing has to be all-pervasive, part of everybody’s job description, from the receptionists to the board of directors. (p. 69)



Strategic Planning
The success of strategic planning is determined by how well a station aligns itself with and continually adjusts to its external environment and direct competitors.  Strategic choices are determined by the following elements, according to Miles & Snow (1978):


1.        The dominant coalition: The top decision-makers who have problem-finding and problem-solving responsibilities.

2.        Perceptions: A station responds to what its management          perceives.  Those environmental conditions that go unnoticed or are deliberately ignored have little or no effect on management's decisions.

3.        Scanning Activities: The dominant coalition is responsible for constantly surveying the rapidly changing environment.  The dominant coalition can be reactive (waiting for events to happen before reacting) or proactive (anticipating the shape of events and acting quickly).

4.        Dynamic Constraints: Decisions constrained by a station's past and current strategy (or lack of it), organizational structure, and performance.


The Dominant Coalition

The dominant coalition consists of those who actually have the greatest influence on making strategic decisions for a station.  The composition of this dominant coalition will determine what kind of decisions are made.  For example, a management coalition dominated by corporate or local financial people will tend to take few risks, keep expenses for advertising and promotion low, and have analysis paralysis.  Or coalitions dominated by sales types will tend to emphasize the salability of programs and promotions regardless of their compatibility with a station's overall image.

                A common problem for television stations is what Levitt (1983) calls the bull-fight syndrome.  He makes the point that down in the ring in the heat and confusion of combat, things may not be seen clearly, but this does not mean that what the combatants do is any less right.  He says that nothing is as certain as what is directly experienced.

                 Many television station general managers are painfully aware of the bull-fight syndrome.  They often proclaim in frustration about corporate executives, "everyone wants to be a General manager."  Levitt's (1983) message to company presidents and group heads is clear: let the fighters in the ring decide on the strategy for fighting the bull.

                Levitt (1983) also stresses the importance of the experience, feelings, intuition, and imagination of those closest to the consumer (viewer) in making strategic decisions.  Therefore, a station's dominant coalition should consist of the general manager, program director, news director, sales manager, and promotion director.  Others can help with their input, but the final strategic decisions must be made by those fighting the bull down in the ring, by those whose careers will rise or fall with the decisions they make about how to get and keep viewers.

                However, as Mintzberg (1989) suggests, strategies need not be deliberate--they can emerge.  Action can drive strategic thinking.  For example, a minor improvement in a newscast can work, followed by more, similar small improvements, which can develop into a strategy.  Reis & Trout (1989) refer to this process as bottom-up marketing, or letting strategy bubble up from small things that work.  By taking advantage of little wins, a station can build confidence and often accomplish more than with purposeful top-down planning.  Thus, it is vital that station management constantly challenge assumptions ("why do we put sports after weather in a newscast?" e.g.) and look for strategic ideas from everyone.


Perceived Problems

Managers respond only to problems they perceive.  They are too often complacent and do not take an imaginative look at opportunities; the tendency is to search in their neighborhood--to look in familiar and traditional places--for solutions.  Another dangerous perception is "we know it all."  Too many television executives believe that their station's success and the 30%-60% profit margins (typical in the past) are due to their own brilliance and expertise. 

                Often successes, by their very nature, contain the seeds for their own

destruction.  This tendency is labeled as the Icarus paradox by Miller (1990).  As was the case with Icarus, whose powerful wax-and-feathers wings melted when he flew too close to the sun and plunged to his death, the greatest asset of every successful business contains the potential for destroying the company.  As Miller writes about people who were once quality-conscious craftsmen but become nit-picking tinkerers:


     (They) get so wrapped up in tiny technical details that they forget that the purpose of quality is to attract and satisfy buyers.  Products become over-engineered but also overpriced; durable but stale.  Yesterday's excellent designs turn into today's sacrosanct anachronisms. (p. 12)


                That passage could have been written with several once-dominant network and local news organizations in mind.

                 Another perceptual problem that can crop up is Defender Hubris, as defined by Foster (1986).  Leaders in any product or service category not only tend to become complacent, but also to develop a hubris, or arrogance, about their current strategy (or presumed strategy, which is often more like drifting with the tide than purposefully sailing).  The five areas of Defender Hubris are:

1.        To assume that an evolutionary approach is good enough

2.        To assume that they will have early warnings of changes because they understand current technology, customer needs, and competition

3.        To be convinced that they understand consumer needs

4.        To have wrongly defined the market (market definition is extremely difficult in changing times)

5.        To believe they understand their competitors (when in reality they don't know which competitors to watch).



Scanning Activities

 A station must constantly monitor the external environment in order to stay in touch with regulatory, economic, social, technological, industry, market, demographic, competitive, and audience trends in order to stay ahead of its competitors.  Thus, stations must continually be on the lookout for threats of new competitors coming on the scene or for opportunities caused by the weakening of current competitors.  Stations must be proactive (change fast) rather than reactive (change too late, after competitors have changed) to continue to be successful.


Dynamic Constraints 

Too often managers invest their egos in a decision and will not change because they are afraid to admit they are wrong.  Or, they will not admit that their current strategy is not working.  Also, a company's structure often gets in the way of making effective strategic decisions.  For example, in television it might make sense to have a community affairs director and creative services director report to a marketing director rather than directly to a general manager, which has been the tradition-l structure in the past.

                The point is that structure should follow strategy.  This axiom means that managers should change the organization of their stations to meet the needs of the strategy they have selected, and not let some outmoded organizational structure dictate strategy.  For example, a general manager of a television station might have all department heads who deal with external communication (community affairs, public relations) report to the news director (who might also be the station manager, who the general manager might feel has the most expertise at the station in communicating, or to the marketing director, if there is one.

                Past performance constrains strategic decisions, too.  It is virtually impossible to resurrect a product with a poor brand image (the Pinto, e.g.).  In television it is usually better to bury a failing newscast and to come up with an entirely new newscast title, set, and approach than to try to resuscitate a failing newscast slowly in small increments.  Reinforce success, but "shoot the losers," as Reis & Trout (1989) suggest.  Reis & Trout also indicate that it takes too much time and money to change perceptions, so change strategy.

                Another dynamic constraint is the over-reliance on traditional television financial practices such as revenue projections, forecasts, and overall station budgets.  As McKenna (1991) suggests, "Forecasts, by their very nature, must be unreliable, particularly with technology, competitors, customers, and markets all shifting ground so often, so rapidly, so radically."  The emphasis must be on the tasks and activities that will carry out the strategies that will get more than your fair share, which will require a new forecast every time you overachieve, which, hopefully, will be continually.  In a business environment where the future cannot be predicted, the only chance a television station has is to react faster to changes than the competition.

                Another problem with conventional television financial practices is that there is no practical way to take account of the opportunity cost of not investing in new technology, programming, or ideas.


Creating Possibilities and Contingency Plans

                Finally, the most challenging and creative act of strategic planning and decision-making is to dream up the possibilities from among which choices can be made, and a possibility has to be created before it can be chosen.  Brainstorming is an excellent way of stimulating creative juices and coming up with a wide variety of strategic possibilities (see the Appendix for the Rules for Brainstorming).

                Creating possibilities also means creating contingency plans for several scenarios that Might come about in the future.  Although no one can accurately predict the future, it is Possible to guess what might happen if current trends continue and determine several directions the future might take.  Developing contingency plans for these possible future scenarios is not only fun and stimulating (it is often referred to as gaming), it is also a way to prepare an organization to make lightning fast strategic moves when something close to one of the scenarios occurs.  Without contingency plans, when something happens that calls for an intelligent response, an organization has to slow down and plan.

                Contingency plans should also be developed for possible moves a competitor might make.  Competitive "what-if" scenarios should be developed that outline what your response to Competitive moves might be.


Types of Strategy

There are two basic overall competitive strategies in television: differentiation and focus.  Differentiation is the strategy to employ if a station has competitors for a target audience.  Virtually all highly successful television stations (as is the case with most successful consumer products) have highly differentiated products and brand images.  Focus is the strategy to employ if a station has no competition for a particular target audience (Hispanics, for example).



This strategy is the more difficult of the two as it requires strong marketing ability, creative flair, strong research capabilities, excellent promotion, excellent live program (especially local news) execution, and highly skilled people. 



This strategy is easier to execute than differentiation because there are no direct competitors fighting for market share.  The focus must be on a market niche that is sizable (big enough to make a profit) and measurable (definable by some research or measurement method).

                Because television is currently a mass-market medium with broad appeal to virtually all demographic groups, most stations in the past have depended on a differentiation strategy.  The major differentiating elements for local television stations are their network affiliation, community service image, and local news programming.  Some stations have been successful at a focus or niche marketing strategy, especially those in foreign language telecasting.  If a station uses a focus strategy, its target audience in a niche must be continually researched and super-served in order to discourage any competitive entry.

                 Cable networks have been successful in pursuing a focus strategy: CNN with news and ESPN with sports, e.g.  However, CNN didn’t switch its strategy to differentiation fast enough when Fox News started to compete aggressively, especially with its brilliant positioning statement, “We report, you decide” (which, of course, is as false as it is brilliant).

Crafting Strategy

Mintzberg (1989) suggests that crafting strategy is like a potter at a wheel—the hands and the mind must work together in tandem.  Thus, experienced day-to-day operating people must work in tandem with strategy planners--they are inseparable.  Surveying the external and internal environment is a fundamental element in crafting strategy, and research must be conducted in order to gather data about the environment, the target audience, the competition, and the internal strengths and shortcomings of a station in order to expand the possibilities from which strategic choices can be made.  This creation of possibilities is where imagination comes into play.  The two vital ingredients of imagination, or creativity, are information and intuition.

                 Imagination creates new programming ideas, and new is vital.  Psychological research has shown that people are drawn to novelty and variety.  It is imperative to be first with any new product, for as Reis & Trout (1989) point out, copy-cat products usually lose.  Original products such as Ivory, Intel, and Coca-Cola have to screw up to lose (which has happened often--consider CBS News and CNN).  As Reis & Trout write, "you never get a second chance to make a first impression," so when introducing an innovation, get it right the first time and promote it big.

                    Also, when crafting strategy, remember to plan to strike hard and quickly, as Reis & Trout (1989) suggest, "look for one bold stroke." 

                Mintzberg (1989) also recommends a single, large, and bold stroke, which he calls a quantum leap.  His research indicates that in most successful organizations, strategy is stable for a while as the current strategy is implemented and improved in small increments, then a major change is introduced in which the organization takes a quantum leap.  He suggests that occasional strategic revolutions are necessary in every successful organization to avoid the Icarus paradox and stagnation.  He suggests a cycle of "stability--revolution--stability" must exist.  In times of stability, there must be kaizen (a Japanese word meaning constant, small, and incremental improvements).  In times of revolution, there must be a major strategy shift along with a major change in an organization's culture, structure, and often people.

                    Finally, strategy must be crafted in order to create a discernable and sustainable competitive advantage.  For example, in a smaller market, a television station that has a strategy of building its news image around an attractive anchor who might soon leave for a larger market would be attempting to build a non-sustainable advantage.


Research is the process of gathering information about a market, an audience, competitors, and your own station.  Research can be conducted by outside suppliers or internally by a station itself.  If a station goes outside to a reliable research company or consultant, there are the advantages of knowing that the research will be done under professional supervision, with technical precision, and without insider, perceptual bias.  Responsible research suppliers and consultants can also help stations examine a wider range of possibilities than might otherwise be considered, can help stations look outside the neighborhood for more strategic alternatives, can help stations develop contingency plans and competitive scenarios, can help stations examine ingrained assumptions, and in some cases can help stations overcome management hubris.

                However, there are some problems with buying external research and hiring consultants.  First, it can be quite expensive, and for many stations evaluating the tradeoffs can be painful.  Should a station pay $50,000 for a marketing study or invest that money in a promotion campaign?  Next, who is going to interpret the research and consultants' advice?  Strategic marketing research seldom comes up with absolutely clear-cut, black-and-white answers.  Data and advice have to be interpreted, and it is here that local market knowledge, programming experience, and intuition are important.  For instance, research will always show that viewers like "positive news."  Those inexperienced in news programming might interpret this information literally and emphasize too many soft news stories.  Knowledgeable pros know this reaction means that people do not want only positive stories, but that they want the hard news (most of which would be considered negative) presented in a style that is not overly sensationalized.

                Also, research companies and consultants, no matter how reputable, are sometimes influenced by the preference and prejudices of their clients—they  do not stay in business designing research studies and giving advice that proves how stupid their customers are.  Finally, any research that deals with people's intentions or tries to predict their future.  Tastes and actions (especially if it is based on what people say they are going to do) is virtually worthless.  Video disk manufactures in 1980 gave credibility to research that reported people would buy expensive video disk playback systems on which they could not record programming.  Video disks flopped, and VCRs, on which people could record, were a smash hit.

                Research that is conducted internally by a station, if it is thorough and well designed, can be as penetrating and enlightening as research conducted externally by professional suppliers and consultants and a lot less expensive.  On the other hand, research consultants can give benchmark advice as to what works and does not work in other markets—a major benefit of consultants.

                Both externally and internally produced research can build what McKenna (1991) calls experienced-based marketing, which emphasizes interactivity, connectivity, and creativity.  With this approach, companies spend time with their customers, constantly monitor their competitors, and develop a feedback-analysis system that turns this information about the market and the competition into important new product intelligence.  At the same time these companies both evaluate their own technology to assess its currency and cooperate with other companies to create mutually advantageous systems and solutions.  These close encounters—with customers, competitors, and internal and external technologies—give  companies the firsthand experience they need to invest in market development and to take intelligent, calculated risks.

                In a time of exploding choice and unpredictable change,     marketing--the new marketing--is the answer.  With so much choice for customers, companies face the end of loyalty...But the real solution, of course, is not more marketing, but better marketing.  And that means marketing that finds a way to integrate the customer into the company, to create and sustain a relationship between the company and     the customer...The relationships are the key, the basis of     customer choice and company adaptation.  After all, what is a successful brand but a special relationship? (pp. 67-68)

Scan the Overall External Environment

 Examine the following external environmental elements to look for potential threats and opportunities:

1.        Political/regulatory

2.        Economic

3.        Social

4.        Technological


Research the Industry and Market Environment

 Examine the following external elements to look for threats and opportunities:


1.        Audience size and potential

2.        Audience behavior

3.        Audience viewing segments

4.        Potential competitors

5.        Industry and market revenue and profit trends


                 Audience research.  Gathering information about a station's potential audience can be done in a number of ways: with internally or externally generated call-out research, with focus groups, with mall surveys, etc.  What the research is seeking are key success factors.


     Viewer assessment.  Viewer research must answer the following questions:


1.        Who is the audience?

2.        What benefits are they seeking?

3.        How well does a station deliver these benefits compared to the competition?

4.        What are the sources of these perceived differences?


                The underlying premise must be that perceived differences between a station and its competitors are not meaningful unless the differences can be converted by the audience into:


1.        Benefits - "Why should I view--what's in it for me?

2.        Benefits to a large enough audience segment to be Profitable.

3.        Benefits that are meaningful enough to the audience to keep them from turning to competing stations or from turning off the television set.

4.        Benefits the audience cannot get elsewhere.


                The goal of audience research in the form of focus groups, call-out research, mall surveys, or simply talking to a lot of viewers is to isolate four, five, or six main benefits that a station can provide effectively (key differentiators).  Once those benefits/key differentiators are isolated, a station should concentrate only on them and not try to be all things to all people. 

                First and foremost, a business must set itself apart from its competition.  To be successful, it must identify and promote itself as the best provider of attributes that are important to target consumers.  (Day, 1990, p. 164)


Research Direct Competitors

                 Competitors' strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities must be defined and understood.  Research becomes likes spies in wartime.  As the Chinese general Sun Tzu wrote, "Spies are a most important element in war, because upon them depends an army's ability to move."  Competitive intelligence and analysis (not illegal spying) includes detailed descriptions of the following elements, as recommended by Michael Porter (1980)in his groundbreaking book Competitive Strategy.


1.        Future goals.  What drives competitors; where do they want to go?  Some stations that have very low debt are run by owners who are often satisfied, complacent, ego-involved, stubborn about sticking with comfortable programming and personalities, and selling at under-priced rates.  If this type of station is attacked, the owners are apt to hunker down, not promote much, and try to wait it out in a war of attrition because they can afford it and are uncomfortable in the unfamiliar territory of competitive battles.  On the other hand, stations financed by money from investment bankers (leveraged buy-outs and highly leveraged transactions especially) usually have a go-go outlook and need excellent short-term results--bankers allow stations two or three years to make it--then they tend to get       crazy if financial projections are not met.  Save money during an initial push and then come back strong after they have blown their wad and cannot defend themselves—they rarely go back to the bankers for more money.

2.        Assumptions.  What is a competitor's perception of its relative position and what are the historical or emotional identifications it makes (with show business or with the television industry)?  It is usually pretty safe to go after a station whose owners have strictly a bottom-line orientation and are used to large profit margins--they will cut sinew to keep margins high.  Does the general manager of a competing station have a sales background and are his or her financial rewards based on one-year profit figures?  If so, defending an attack from a competitor by cutting back inventory available for sales and substantially increasing promotion is unlikely by this type of manager.  Does a competitor rely on extensive news research or assume that a news director's gut feel is adequate?  Always attack a news director who runs the newsroom by gut feel, by his or her sense of what the public needs to know, or the anchors' personal tastes.  Thus, attack this type of competitor with heavy promotions of news programming or news feature franchises.

3.        Current strategy.  A strategy does not have to be explicitly stated, it can be implicit in actions.  A competitor's strategy is best described by the major operating policies in each department and, most important, by the management style and values of its key executives.  A general manager who is an insensitive autocrat, whose only focus is on the bottom line, who does not feel serving the community is important, or who does not produce a quality product is vulnerable to a station whose management has opposite values.

4.        Capabilities.  How good is a competitor's top management?  General managers (GMs) are more critical to a station's success than any single department head.  An ignorant GM will not let a good news director (ND) do what must be done to win, will take few risks, and will blame the news director for failure.  Eventually, any good news director will leave.  A smart GM will hire a good ND, take intelligent risks, take responsibility for setbacks, and give the ND credit for winning.  In stations like the latter one, a ND will probably stick around for a while.  How big is a competitor's coverage area, how good is its sales department (can it bring in enough business at high enough rates to generate profits that will sustain a defensive effort), and how effective are its operating people who organize and execute the competitor's strategy?  Does a competitor conduct on-going market and news research, including focus groups, to keep up-to-date on market trends?  What is a competitor's financial position?  Can it afford to do research or mount an expensive counter-attack?  How good is the track record of a station's corporate owner?  Ask what a station's competitors are best at and worst at.  Are they likely to change what they are doing in order to react to a competitive assault?  Do they have the ability and talent to adapt to changes in audience tastes and to respond?  How quick is their response to changes and competition likely to be?  What is their staying power?

5.        Competition's response profile.  Is the competition happy with its current position?  What likely moves will the competition make and what strategy, if any, are they likely to respond with?  Where is the competition most vulnerable?  What actions will provoke the greatest and most effective retaliation from them?  Obviously avoid taking these actions.


                It is vital to have a well-organized and thorough competitor-intelligence-gathering system in order to collect, compile, catalog, digest, and evaluate complete, detailed information about a station's main competitors.  Scenarios about competitors' likely strategic moves can then be developed as well as your possible responses to their strategies.


Scan the Internal Environment


Research a Station's Skills and Resources

The next step in strategic planning is to conduct internal research to examine a station's strengths and weaknesses.  Strategic thinking starts with your basic skills, and considers how to use them, according to Dixit & Nalebuff (1991).  Marketing audits must be conducted to get an objective appraisal of what a station is good at and what it is not so good at.  This type of evaluation is difficult to conduct because of the potential of stepping on individual and collective toes.  Everyone overestimates a station's strengths, and no one wants to admit that any weaknesses exist. 

                However, honest, candid, and objective internal analysis is crucial to the success of strategic planning.  Therefore, conducting a strengths and weaknesses assessment is often best accomplished by outside consultants: programming, marketing, promotion, sales, and management consultants.

                Organizational assessment typically is, and should be, a major function of group or corporate management.  However, this assessment must be based on a variety of factors, including people, human relations, and qualitative elements, and not merely on ivory-tower, bottom-line-only judgments.

                 The same type of detailed descriptions of the elements examined in competitive research must be developed for a station's skills and resources, as follows:


1.        Ability to conceive and design programming and promotion.  Does the station have the creative, innovative people necessary to develop new programming and promotion ideas that will clearly position a station to have a differential competitive advantage?  A candid assessment of strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities is vitally important to the success of any strategy.  Is current management and other personnel open and objective enough to make valid assessments?

2.        Ability to produce and execute programming and promotion.  Does a station have the type of people who can execute a strategy day in and day out?  A new news format or promotion can look good on paper, but if the people on the air and others responsible for execution or are not committed to it or might soon become bored with it, the format will probably fail.

3.        Ability to get and keep advertisers.  The costs of any programming and promotion strategy must be covered by the revenue generated by the sales department.  Does a station have effective, intelligent enough salespeople to sell the strategy to advertisers and to bring in the revenue to support the strategic plan?

4.        Ability to finance.  Does the company and station have the   financial resources to carry out the strategy in the long term?  Quick-fix strategies rarely work, so a station must have sufficient resources not only to implement a strategic plan but also the persistence to stick with it long enough to allow it to work.

5.        Ability to manage.  How good is management at all levels?  What are they best at and worst at?  What are their areas of expertise?  This strengths assessment is crucial because strategy must be built on strengths--doing the things that a station does best.

6.        Commitment.  Without the full and enthusiastic commitment of    corporate, group, and station management to a strategic plan, it will probably fail.  Does the organization have the commitment and the persistence to make the plan work?  Does the organization trust and completely support the people who are responsible for implementing the strategy?  Many well-conceived strategic plans have failed because someone in management for political reasons did not want it to succeed.


                Key success factors (KSFs) or core competencies.  One of the main goals of internal assessment is to identify a station's key success factors.  According to Day (1990), KSFs are the handful of skills and resources that will exert the most leverage on competitive advantages and results.  Hamel & Prahalad (1990) refer to these elements as core competencies.

                For a KSF or core competency to be a useful concept to a station, it should identify a source of advantage where a change could have a large impact on that advantage, and where differences between it and competitors are sizable.  The key success factors must be aggressively nurtured and protected, and "managed obsessively to ensure success." (Day, 1990).  KSFs must be written down and distributed to everyone at the station so they can be continually monitored.

                Examples of key success factors are: a popular anchorperson or team, a highly visible and credible news department, a network affiliation, an established reputation for community service, or an image for showing good movies.

                Furthermore, KSFs must be continually monitored and up-dated because shifts in competitive forces will eventually neutralize old KSFs.  Also, these KSFs must be based on customer-oriented assessments, not on what management perceives them to be.  A recent study by a leading television news consulting firm revealed that news management (including producers) had completely opposite views of the most interesting or "best" stories in a newscast from those of a focus-group audience—a situation that must be guarded against.


Analyzing Current Strategy

Examine a station's current strategy based on the following elements to look for strengths and weaknesses:

1.        Description of current strategy

2.        Current performance vs. objectives


                Once the above descriptions and evaluations have been made, two questions should be asked: "What went wrong and how can we avoid making the same mistakes again?" and "What went right and how can we repeat these successes?"


Be Best At A Few Things

Finally, only a relative few KSFs must be selected—those that a station can execute brilliantly.  As Davis & Smith (1984) suggest, it is vital to be the best at a limited number of things and only those things that internal research has indicated you can do better than your competitors.  These things you do best and are recognized by the audience as the best are often referred to as franchises.  Developing and expanding your franchises are imperative, because the real goal of marketing, according to McKenna (1991), is to own a market, not just to make or sell products.  Smart marketing means defining what portion of the market you want to own--where you can lead.


Develop a Game Plan

After research has been conducted and analyzed, a strategy—a game plan—can be developed.  In The New Thinking Man's Guide to Pro Football, Zimmerman (1984) quotes Bill Walsh, the ex-coach of the San Francisco 49ers, as saying that he always had a plan that allowed for the unforeseeable.  Walsh also said that his game plans were all keyed to screw up one player. 

                In other words, thoroughly attack weaknesses in the competition—weaknesses in terms of what target audience preferences and needs competitors are not satisfying well or what programming competitors are not promoting effectively.  Go after competitors that do not conduct research, that do not have enough money to or will not retaliate, that have a track record of ineffective corporate interference, that are slow to move, that are apt to react emotionally to competition, who leave ineffective managers in their jobs too long, or who continually hire low performers and underpay them.

                Developing a game plan also means having some understanding of game theory, which is the purest form of strategic thinking.  Two excellent books on game theory are: Thinking Strategically by Dixit and Nalebuff and Game Theory at Work by James Miller.



 Intuition is a combination of imagination and experience.  However, in order for the creative imagination to function, it must be thoroughly absorbed in the subject--it must have lots and lots of information.  The ability to absorb large quantities of research data, synthesize it, and then come up with an unusual approach is at the heart of creative thinking.  Imagination comes from being able to think of a large number of alternatives analyzing them all, and then making an unusual, unique connection.  Imagination also involves taking risks, in doing something new.  However, just because something is new, different, or “creative” does not mean it is right or that it will work.  What works is keeping up on industry trends and viewers' tastes and then using imagination to give people what they want.  Experience is essential in knowing how to interpret research and in understanding what alternatives have not been successful in the past and why.  It is in this area that research and news consultants can be of great help.


Final Steps in Defining a Strategy


1.        Position a station for competitive superiority.  Day (1990)writes:  “The essence of competitive advantage is a positioning theme that sets a business apart from its rivals in ways that are meaningful to the target customers.”  Successful themes in television are built on some combination of two or three thrusts:

a.        Better.  A perception or image of better programming, information, entertainment, or personalities.

b.       More.  A perception or image of more news (24-Hour News, e.g.), more special assignment reporters (environment, medicine, e.g.), more movies, more cartoons, or more game shows.

c.        Closer.  A perception or image of being more human,  warmer, friendlier, more caring, or "more like me."

2.        Write a brief, two- or three-sentence positioning statement.  A positioning statement is not a slogan, it is a description of the three or four most important benefits a station provides to its viewers.  For example: "WBBB is a full-service television station that provides reliable, credible, and fast news coverage of local, national, and international events in a context that gives them meaning to our audience.  WBBB provides a unique service to its community by offering intelligent, informed, and service-oriented information programming on current issues.  WBBB and the Fox Television Network are the sports leaders and we provide play-by-play and call-in sports programs hosted by nationally recognized experts."

3.        Develop a one-, three-, and five-year strategic plan.  Revenue and profit budgets usually do not have strategic components, and, therefore, do not show in detail how the budgets are going to be achieved.  A strategic plan should include marketing, advertising, promotion, and programming elements.  In 1990, the year the Honda Accord became the number-one selling car model in America, Honda unveiled its 100-year plan.  The two occurrences are not coincidental.

4.        Develop a current marketing plan.  Keep a notebook or computer file in which the following columns are included for each project: (a) Strategic goal ("to develop interesting, salable community affairs programming," e.g.); (b) team members; (c) who does what specifically assigned tasks and activities to each team member); (d) deadline; and  e) results expected.  Update the plan weekly, and when each project is completed, conduct a debriefing as described under Analyzing Current Strategy above, by asking the questions: "What went wrong and how can we avoid making the same mistakes again?" and "What went  right and how can we repeat these successes?"

5.        Look for new competitive space.  A station must continually analyze its core competencies to look for opportunities they create for new products and new markets that do not currently exist and then to stake them out before competitors do.


                A company will strive to create new competitive space only if it possess an opportunity horizon that stretches far beyond the boundaries of its current business.  This horizon identifies, in broad terms, the market territory senior management hopes to stake out over the next decade, a terrain that is unlikely to be captured in anything as precise as a business plan.  (Hamel & Prahalad, 1991, p. 81)

                 Thus, in the search for new products, stations must go beyond asking what their audience wants, and through experience and intuition come up products that the audience will want before it knows it wants them.  This creative clairvoyance is the only hope for long-term survival.  Stations might look for opportunities in corporate training video or providing audio news services, for example.


Potential Traps

When crafting a strategy, there are several traps to avoid:


1.        Meaningless differentiation.  For a benefit to be a key differentiator it must make a real difference to viewers, not to the news reporters, assignment editors, or syndication salespeople.  Subjectivity (“that’s what I like”) has killed more strategies than inadequate promotion dollars have.

2.        Getting greedy.  How many stations have done well programming to a particular market segment then have tried to broaden their appeal out of their niche and fail?  They got greedy.

3.        Group-think.  Group-think occurs when people (department heads or the news department) get together and start talking about how great they are and how awful the competitors are.  Successful stations and football teams usually begin to lose when they underestimate their competition.  Group-think also occurs in a meeting or among a group when they do not encourage dissension, and subsequently everyone agrees with an idea.  A popular member of the group will throw out an     idea and someone else will agree with it.  Suddenly everyone    begins agreeing and reinforcing everyone else, and dissention is squelched.

4.        Throwing money at a problem.  The best money spent to support a strategy is for good managers.  The right strategy that is prudently and well executed will eventually win.  No amount of money spent in promotion or advertising can rescue a poor strategy, lousy programming, or awful execution.

5.        Lack of commitment.  Some companies have a track record of giving up easily and not fighting a challenge--always pick on them.  Some companies have an enormous amount of pride and commitment to their people, values, and the quality of their product--avoid picking on them.  Stations and managers who have the proper goals of providing an excellent service to their viewers and executing well are virtually impossible to overtake.


Whom to Attack

It is best to be an attacker, as the attacker always has the advantage (Foster, 1986).  The defender is at an inherent disadvantage, according to Foster.  In fact, a defender may not even know it is being attacked until the attack is well along.  The attacker can hide in a niche, can be more powerful than it appears at first glance, and can be, and usually is, more motivated.  Foster also points out that defending is difficult because a defender must be both a defender of old technologies (positions, strategies, programming, or formats) and an effective counter-attacker with new technologies (positions, strategies, programming, or formats).  In order for a defender to be successful as both defender and attacker, the defender must develop a new strategy and culture—it cannot hang onto the past, which is why CNN lost to a brilliantly positioned, attacking Fox News.

                When deciding how to craft a strategy and how to position a station, attack a competitor based on the following priorities:


1.        Weak management

2.        Weak financial resources

3.        Weak execution

4.        Weak corporate commitment

5.        Weak signal and facilities (although signal alone is not as important a factor as it once was due to the increase of cable penetration).


                    Many attackers make a fatal mistake early in their attack, according to Foster (1986).  They get too worried about a defender’s ability to improve, so they decide to bet their whole wad on one major move.  They often hold off unveiling their new strategy until they have designed what they believe is the ultimate product.  By the time the attacker comes out with its “killer” product, the defender, by improving incrementally, has protected its market, its customers, and its image.  Thus, when attacking, it is imperative to make a preemptive strike, strike hard and fast from apparently nowhere, to pour it on, and to go faster (more advertising and promotion).


Strategic Moves

The brilliant Chinese general Sun Tzu wrote 2,500 years ago:


Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory:

           He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.

           He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces.

           He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout its ranks.

           He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.

           He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the        sovereign.

           If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.  If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.  If you know neither the enemy or yourself, you will succumb in every battle.  (p. 17-18)


                 Every manager who is serious about learning strategy and strategic moves should read Sun Tzu's The Art Of War.  “A strategic move is designed to alter the beliefs and actions of others in a direction favorable to yourself.”  (Dixit & Nalebuff, 1991).

                When deciding on what strategic moves to make, the fundamental rule is: “Look ahead and reason back.” (Dixit & Nalebuff, 1991).  The idea is to anticipate where your initial decisions will ultimately lead and then use this information to calculate your best strategic choice.  Since strategic decisions usually involve a sequence of your own and your competitors’ decisions, it is imperative that you create a Decision Tree showing the various options that you will face along the way as your competitors make their possible moves (See the Appendix for an example of a Decision Tree). 

                Several strategic moves to consider in modern broadcasting warfare are: trial balloons; prior announcements; false announcements; secrecy; preemptive strikes; threats, warnings and promises; fighting brands; and guerrilla marketing.

                Trial balloons can be sent up (announced) to see if they fly.  The White House under several presidents has used trial balloons to test ideas on congress and the public before committing to implementing programs.  Major manufacturers sometimes announce a price increase (such as in the steel industry) and then wait and see if competitors follow; if not, they roll back the increase.  A trial balloon is like sticking your toe in the water to see how warm it is—it is clearly a test.

                Prior announcements can preempt a competitor's move and show commitment to a position.  Of course, if the prior announcement meets with highly unfavorable reactions, you can back off, but you can’t do this often, because you will lose credibility.  Prior announcements should not be used as trail balloons; they should only be made with every intention of carrying them out. 

                False announcements can throw the competition off and delay defensive responses, particularly in producing promotion spots and in purchasing advertising (e.g. announce when it’s purchased, “We’re running “Seinfeld” from 9-10:00 a.m.” and then two months later actually run it 4-5:00 p.m.). 

                   Secrecy cuts the lead time for competitive defensive reaction.  False announcement and secrecy can harm a station's credibility and allow little time for a sales department to pre-sell programming changes to advertisers. 

     These above strategies must be selected carefully, weighing the relative importance of the sales department's need to maintain a station’s credibility with advertisers and to pre-sell changes against the news department’s need not to let competitors know what's going on and to prevent competitors from reacting before your change is implemented.

                 Preemptive strikes can be extremely effective in cutting into a competitor's planned strategic maneuver.  For example, if a station finds out that a competitor has added a producer to its staff in preparation for doing news around the clock, a station would implement and announce before the competitor does its new “24-Hour News” format consisting of up-dates on the hour, every hour.  Preemptive strikes motivate a station's staff and de-motivate the competition—practically nothing is more demoralizing than having someone else execute your new strategy first.  Preemptive strikes occur when you make the first move and they must be unconditional and irrevocable, otherwise you will lose credibility in the future.

                Threats, warnings, and promises can be made in advance of a competitor's anticipated move in order to deter the competitor from making the move.  Threats involve punishment, and promises involve rewards.  In other words, if you know a competitor is thinking about doing 24-hour news, you could issue a threat of doing it the same week the competitors does (which increases everyone’s news costs) if it proceeds.  On the other hand, you could promise not to do 24-hour news if the competitor doesn’t (and save money).  Often threats and promises can keep talent salaries or news costs from escalating.  If you issue a threat, you must follow up to remain credible.  A threat would be, “If another station does 24-hour news, we will.”  A warning is less emphatic and does not require a response.  A warning would be, “If another station does 24-hour news, we would consider doing likewise.”

                Using a fighting brand is a strategic move that pits a new product of yours against a newly designed product of a competitor or a competitor's planned new product.  The fighting brand is intended to take ratings (market share) away the competitor's new or planned product without cannibalizing your established product.  An example of a fighting brand was MTV's VH1 all-adult-music video channel that was designed to fight Ted Turner's planned launch of a new music-video channel, which it did.  Turner's planned launch was scuttled.  Another example would be a situation in which a major network affiliated television station produces an hour-long news program using its own call letters and anchors and runs it on the Fox affiliate on and independent station at 10:00 p.m. before its own 11:00 p.m. newscast.  If the station didn't form an alliance and produce the news for the Fox affiliate, the Fox station would probably produce its own news.  The station could split the avails with the Fox affiliate, so both stations come out ahead.  Many stations have used this strategy effectively and have found that these prime-time news versions do not cannibalize other newscasts (Duff, 1991).

                Guerrilla marketing involves conducting quickly conceived and executed one-time, low-cost event promotions and inexpensive, highly targeted, and short-term advertising campaigns, among other hit-and-run tactics designed to confuse, upset, and hurt the competition.

                Finally, when making strategic moves, it is vitally important to mix your tactics as a great quarterback mixes plays in football.  When mixing your moves, unpredictability is the key; otherwise your opponents can observe and exploit any systematic pattern almost as easily as they could if there were an unchanging repetition of a single strategy (Dixit & Nalebuff, 1991).


Executing a Strategy

Determining the right strategy is the easy part of marketing a television station.  The hard parts are gathering the right information and executing the strategy.  Doing the necessary research which collects, compiles, and catalogs information is usually boring drudgery, like watching endless game films is for professional football coaches.  Executing the strategy is often painful and tiring, like trap blocking and tackling are for pro football players.  However, all the boredom and pain are forgotten when it is done right and a station wins.

                In football and in business, executing the basics is a requisite for success.  The axiom is even more appropriate in television for several reasons.  First, talent’s popularity or a new program concept is virtually impossible to pre-test.  Therefore, a new format or new talent needs to be put on the air and then a station must wait for a month (depending on the frequency of rating and research reports) to see if the strategies are working.  The only security a station has under these circumstances is precise execution of its strategy and a commitment to make it work. 

                Second, television is free to its customers.  Since viewers do not have to pay to view, there is no penalty or cost involved with switching stations.  Thus, in television it is not a case of making a sale of a product just once—stations have to sell constantly.  They have to deliver their very best product continuously, because it is so easy and cheap to go elsewhere.  Maintaining excellent execution in these circumstances is crucial.

                Third, television is an intangible product, a service.  One of the unique things about intangible products is that customers are rarely aware when they are being served well.  They are only aware when they are being served poorly or until they are aware of the availability of something better.  Even if they are aware of something that offers more benefits, they are not apt to switch unless they are dissatisfied, because they are usually more comfortable with a current, habitual choice.

                 Television stations must concentrate on executing their locally produced programming consistently well so that viewers do not have any reasons for feeling dissatisfied.  Good, consistent execution keeps people viewing and minimizes the reasons for going elsewhere.

     There are relatively few new programming ideas in local television, thus the execution of the few viable program types is important.  It has all been done before in one form or another.  What Zimmerman (1984) says about pro football—that nothing is new, only new applications to old principles—is just as true in television as it is in football.  And the principle holds true for stations whose strategy is focus as well as those who are differentiating.

                Remember, that if the audience niche a station is alone in serving is big enough to be profitable, someone else is sure to enter the fray.  Once there are two or more stations serving a market niche, the game turns to differentiation.  When competitors enter a niche, clear differentiation is vital and execution is the key to establishing a differentiated product.  Therefore, even if a station is alone in a market niche, it had better execute and promote exceptionally well to discourage competitive entry.

                Another reason that television is unique is that stations produce a product which consists of ingredients or raw material over which they have little or no control.  Movie-oriented stations are at the mercy of what movies are released, and news-oriented stations are at the mercy of current events, for example.  Thus, if the ingredients cannot be controlled, all that can be controlled is execution and promotion.  Effective promotion and advertising are critical if a station hopes to win the battle of the mind, as Reis & Trout (1989) call it.

The Strategic Planning Cycle

How often should strategic planning take place?  The answer is hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly.  It is vital that the planning cycle be completely flexible in order to respond immediately to any environmental, competitive, or internal organizational changes.  Scanning activities must be thorough, constant, and conducted at a rapid pace.  The moment any changes are noticed in the internal, external, or competitive environment, those responsible for crafting strategy and the dominant coalition should discuss the change with condor, objectively, and in depth to determine what, if any, response is appropriate.  Strategy shifts, no matter how slight, must be discussed, agreed upon, and implemented with lightning speed.  In the fast-paced television industry, analysis paralysis is deadly.

                The major value managers and their associates add is not producing a product, but it is the ability to stay ahead of their competitors.  Jack Welsh, ex-CEO of General Electric, is rumored to have once said at a meeting with managers at a plant, “I don’t want a news report.  The question is what can we do now?  How fast?  With whom?  It’s war out there--do something!”  



 To be successful, a strategy must be clear, simple, and able to be expressed in no more than a short paragraph.  The strategy must define how to get more than your fair share, what has to get done, and how to do it.

                Once a station has decided on making a strategic move, it must communicate to everyone, advertisers and competitors alike, that it is unequivocally committed to sticking with the move and to retaliating against any counter move by competitors.  Then it must follow through continually on the commitment and retaliate aggressively against any attack, no matter how small.

                The two keys to developing a winning strategy are good information and good intuition, both of which will help a station recognize industry trends early, which is the single most important requisite to continued success in the highly fragmented television industry.

                Furthermore, no strategy is etched in stone; it must be continually updated and changed instantly in order for a station to stay ahead of competitors--management's most vital and difficult task.

                Finally, staying ahead of competitors means continually redefining your business.  Digital transmission and compression technologies and the inevitable advent of a nation connected with high-speed cable modems means television stations must be the best in their market at producing local information, service, and entertainment programs and other material that they can sell to any distributor (cable systems or telephone companies) or to the public to generate multiple revenue streams in order to supplement declining advertising revenue.




Davis, R. & Smith, G. 1984.  Marketing in Emerging Companies.  Reading, MA: Addison Wesley.

Day, G.S. 1990.  Market Driven Strategy: Processes for creating value.  New York: The Free Press.

Dixit, A. & Nalebuff, B. 1991.  Thinking Strategically: The competitive edge in business, politics, and everyday life.  New York: W.W. Norton.

Drucker, P. 1954. The Practice of Management.  New York: Harper & Row.

Duff, W. 1991.  Personal conversation with Willis Duff, managing partner, Audience Research & Development, a major television research and news consulting firm.

Foster, R. 1986.  Innovation: The attackers advantage.  New York: Summit Books.

Gilder, G. 1991.  “Into the Telecosm.”  Harvard Business Review, 69, 2, 150-161.

Hamel, G. & Prahalad, C.K. 1990.  “The Core Competence of the Corporation.”  Harvard Business Review, 68, 3, 79-91.

Hamel, G. & Prahalad, C.K. 1991.  “Corporate Imagination and Expeditionary Marketing.”  Harvard Business Review, 69, 4, 81-92.

Levitt, T. 1983.  The Marketing Imagination.  New York: The Free Press.

Miles, R. E. & Snow, C.C. 1978.  Organizational Strategy, Structure, and Process.  New York: McGraw-Hill.

Miller, D. 1990.  The Icarus Paradox: How exceptional companies bring about their own downfall.  New York: Harper Collins

Miller, J. 2003. Game Theory at Work.  New York: McGraw-Hill

Mintzberg, H. 1989.  Crafting strategy.  Harvard Business Review, 65, 4, 66-75.

Porter, M. 1980.  Competitive Strategy.  New York: The Free Press.

Reis, A. & Trout, J. 1989.  Bottom-up Marketing.  New York: McGraw-Hill.

Schultz, Don, Lauterborn, R.F, & Tannenbaum, S.I. 1992.  Integrated Marketing Communication.  Lincolnshire, IL: NTC Books.

Sun Tzu.  1988. The Art of War.  New York: Delta Books.

Zimmerman, P. 1984.  The New Thinking Man's Guide to Pro Football.  New York: Simon & Shuster






1.        Everyone must contribute.

2.        Let your imagination run wild.  You’re after quantity of ideas, not quality of ideas.  Calm down, relax, and let your brain run free.  The more ideas you have the better.  There is no such thing as a bad idea.  Don’t worry about being silly.  Have fun, get crazy, and produce ideas.  Here are some techniques that will help you expand your thinking:

a.        Think about the ideal or the perfect situation—suspend reality—think of the ultimate.

b.       Think of the wildest thing in the world—expand.

3.        Do not be judgmental at the beginning.  Make absolutely no judgments about your own or anyone else's ideas or suggestions.  There is no such thing as a bad idea.  Do not challenge or criticize in any way anyone's idea.  On the contrary, encourage people to come up with more and wilder ideas.  During the idea-generation stage of brainstorming, it is imperative that practicality or feasibility be thrown to the winds; don’t be concerned if it can’t work, out with it!  The more ideas the better.

a.        Push extremes.

b.       Look for opposites.

c.        Utilize free-form word associations.

d.       Go off on tangents.

4.        Look for combinations.  Pause and look for combinations of words or ideas.  Don’t worry about whether the combinations make sense or are plausible yet.  There is no such thing as a bad combination.

5.        Make connections.  See if any ideas or combinations of ideas connect to another idea or combination of ideas.  Do the ideas connect to anything you can possibly think of?

6.        Modify.  Become more judgmental.  Can you modify an idea to make it more feasible?

7.        Facilitator should write everything down so the team can see the whole list.

8.        Select the best ideas.


WAAA has the market’s number-two news image and ratings; WBBB has the number-one image and ratings.  WAAA has to make a decision whether or not to add an Early Morning News (EMN) program.